Weekly Google Hangout – Sunday June 2, 2013

There will be an online video meeting with google HANGOUTS talking about firefighting on Sunday Evening (June 2, 2013) at 8:00 PM Eastern time I will be starting a hangout. I intend to make this a weekly event. For now I am keeping it to 9 folks until we get this mastered and then we will transition into an open HANGOUTS ON AIR, which can have unlimited attendees.

I plan to spend at least an hour or whatever it takes to explore this technology and talk about the job.

I would love to get 8 people to assist me.

If you would like to participate, you need a gmail address as a minimum, (A google + account or sign in is even better but not required). All of this is free.

A webcam and microphone is great because it allows for the interaction that we can get by sharing.

If you want to participate this week send me an email at pete@petelamb.com and include your gmail address. At 8:00 PM I will email you a link, you click the link and we will all be connected.

It will be fun, we will meet, greet, ask questions, problem solve and whatever else comes up.

First eight get in to start!
Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Website Navigation – Podcast Link now live

I have added a podcast link to the main page of the website as well as the blog site in the links section. If you click on the title of an individual post it takes you to a side bar on the right. Scroll down for all of our web links . I have added one for podcast episodes and I added someone that I have been following for a long time, and just realized he was not linked here. My apologies for that terrible oversight.

If you do not follow him already follow FIREHOUSE ZEN.

By clicking on the link you we will be taken to a page which lists all past episodes.

I have circled the podcast link and the current blog link, but you already know where that is because you are here!

Thank you for all of the support I have received.

I hope you enjoy the episodes and look for more to come in the future!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Firefighter Training Podcast – Episode 12 – The Safety Officer

This week we look at the on scene safety officer and offer a review of some check sheets that might assist in making the job easier.

Acknowledge the LODD of Phoenix firefighter Bradley Harper.

Acknowledge the LODD of Dallas Firefighter Stanley Wilson

Safety Checksheets reviewed:

Structure Fire, major vehicle accident, Hazardous materials incident, water and ice rescue, and technical rescue

Listen to podcast HERE.

Stay safe, and stay thinking!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Google Hangout Experiment

I am looking to experiment with google HANGOUTS talking about firefighting.
On Sunday Evening (May 26, 2013) at 8:00 PM Eastern time I will be trying a hangout. I plan to spend at least an hour or whatever it takes to explore this technology and talk about the job.
I would love to get 8 people to assist me.
If you would like to participate, you need a gmail address as a minimum, (A google + account or sign in is even better but not required). All of this is free.
A webcam and microphone is great because it allows for the interaction that we can get by sharing.
If you want to try this out send me an email at pete@petelamb.com and include your gmail address. At 8:00 PM I will email you a link, you click the link and we will all be connected.
I think it will be fun, we can meet, greet, ask questions, problem solve and whatever else comes up.
First eight get in to start!
Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Driver Training basic thoughts

This week we will discuss some of the issues that relate to driving fire apparatus. I will give some bullet points for discussion or for you to create your own driving awareness training in your own department.

* Do driver receive an initial training and a “road test” that is documented in their training file?

* Do you use and are you familiar with NFPA 1002 Apparatus Operator?

* Are drivers required to re-certify at any point or regular intervals?

* Practical evolution’s should include but not be limited to, braking exercises, serpentine forward and reverse, alley dock, offset alley, diminishing clearance, and a turn around. These are all explained in detail in the NFPA standard.

Some attitudes to foster in driver training might include the following:

* Drivers should remain calm and drive cautiously, do not drive over aggressively.

* Drivers should have most turnout gear on prior to getting in apparatus.

* Drivers should ensure that all members are seated and belted prior to moving vehicle.

* Drivers should always have spotters when backing up.

* Come to a complete stop at intersections. Maintain absolute control of your vehicle.

* Realize that everyone will not see or hear you.

* Speed is less important than arriving safely.

* Multiple emergency vehicles traveling together should be separated by a minimum of 300 feet.

** Reference for this week’s training bulletin is primarily from the Sourcebook for Fire Company Training Evolution’s by Michael Wieder.

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Memorial Day 2013 – Honor and give thanks

Thoughts this weekend for all of those that sacrificed for our freedoms.

My thoughts this weekend are with my dad (Deceased) who served in the United States Army in the Pacific Theater of Operations.

Remember all who serve and when you see them, take an action, approach with respect and say thank you.

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013

Tactical Fire Problem – Camper RV Fire

This week a camper parked on a roadway.

1,) List some of the challenges that might be found in dealing with this situation.

2.) This fire should be treated as a minimum of a car fire, 2 residential rooms and a hallway, and a 35 foot fiberglass boat all wrapped up in one.

3.) Consideration should be given to 50-70 gallons of fuel for the vehicle and 30-40 gallons of LPG.

4.) Learn about these vehicles, go to a dealership or use the experiences of some of your members who have these units. Study the enemy before the incident happens.

5.) Shut this roadway as soon as possible, parts pieces and cylinders may fly off, fiberglass will produce thick black smoke obscuring visibility for crews operating and maintain a safety zone if propane is involved.

Thanks, stay safe and stay thinking!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013