This is a term that gets tossed around the fire service often. It was a term that I used to hate when I was the Coordinator of Firefighter Certification. You know, now that I think of it, I am not real fond of it now either!
The firefighter that passes firefighter I/II certification with a 70% actually got 30% wrong! But still he or she is certified to meeting the minimum required standards.
I understand why we have minimums and i get it, but please never let the minimum be your goal.
When training new members, get them passed where they need to go and let them know that the minimum is the floor, but we should be aiming for the ceiling.
Would you go to, or would you take your family to a doctor who graduated with the minimum credentials? Would you get on a plane with a pilot or co-pilot that just made the minimum?
Lead your people to the top. They can and will get lost on their way but that is our job, to guide them. Don;t get frustrated when they struggle, refocus and redouble your efforts to get them where they need to be.
As senior members, officers and instructors let us always coach our members to a higher level. In fact coach them to the highest level they can achieve……and while you are at it and caring for others……push and test yourself once in a while too!