For the past couple of years I have been presenting a program called “Is There An App For That?” I thought I would take a few of these individually and use them as posts here in the blog.
Many of the apps are for IOS and Android, and we will also discuss desktop apps as well for Windows or MacOS.
The first app I am looking at is called SIMSUSHARE and it is from Commandsim.
This app is for just about any and all platforms, IOS, Android, Windows desktop, MAC OS and even Windows 8
What is it?
SIMSUSHARE allows users to either take a photo, or use an existing photo and create realistic looking simulations using an IPAD, IPHONE, or any of the devices listed including laptops and desktops.
The interface is extremely simple and I have included some screenshots to show you what I mean.

The main screen gives you three choices, start a new simulation, edit an existing one, or simply play one that is already built.
After you import an image or take an image, you get the following screen.

Wen you hit the + button in the top right you get a list of all of the things that can be added to the sim. A click on any of these reveals another sub menu.

I have opened the smoke simulation choices just as an example.
You just drag and drop the effect that you want, where you want it. You can then resize it, change and manipulate smoke color, choose when the animation comes in, choose if it pops in or fades in, how to layer things etc..
This is not intended to be a complete tutorial but merely an idea or what I think about it, and how to use it.
Who is it for?
Certainly a great value for fire instructors everywhere.
Great for a public educator to create some interior shots, stove fires, etc. you could have your iPad with you and be able to deliver simple safety messages wherever you are.
Great for company officers to use for kitchen table talks. Go out in the district and preplan “the big one” we all talk about.
Use pictures of your last “job” and replay with fire and smoke.
All firefighters who are students of the trade.
Bottom line
This is a great app and it is available from Command Sim and I recommend it highly for its ease of use, and value.
I am in now way affiliated with these folks, but I would be happy to help anyone that purchases the software and needs some help to get started. Their website has plenty of ways to get support and help as well.
Pete Lamb @ Copyright 2012
For information contact