Tactical Fire Problem – Tire Recycling Plant

This week a very particular occupancy. Even if you do not have a facility like this, you should be able to work out a plan.

1.) What kind of heat release rate will you get from tires, compared to normal class A combustibles?

2.) In the absence of a suppression system, what is your plan of attack?

3.) What is the haz mat problem with the melting tires and burning petroleum liquid residue?

4.) What are the other potential hazards to firefighters operating interior?

5.) What are the interior exposure problems and how will you protect them?


Tactical Fire Problem – Moving Van

This week we look at a simple vehicle fire…….or is it? You decide, take a look here.

1.) How much initial attack line should be stretched? (Length and size)

2.) How many “rooms” of fire loading can you suspect?

3.) What is your overhaul plan?

4.) How many highway lanes should be blocked, or is standard single lane blocking enough?

5.) What does your highway emergency plan say about operating in heavy smoke on the highway?


Firefighter Training Podcast – NFPA 1500 What Does it Mean for You and Your Department?

NFPA 1500 is the Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Programs for Firefighters. Today we look at what it means and what difference it could make for you or your department.

NFPA® 1500 Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program 2013 Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

1.1 Scope

1.2 Purpose

1.3 Application

1.4 Equivalency

1.5 Adoption Requirements

Chapter 2 Referenced Publications

2.1 General

2.2 NFPA Publications

2.3 Other Publications

2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections

Chapter 3 Definitions

3.1 General

3.2 Official NFPA Definitions

3.3 General Definitions

Chapter 4 Fire Department Administration

4.1 Fire Department Organizational Statement

4.2 Risk Management Plan

4.3 Safety and Health Policy

4.4 Roles and Responsibilities

4.5 Occupational Safety and Health Committee

4.6 Records

4.7 Appointment of the Health and Safety Officer

Chapter 5 Training, Education, and Professional Development

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Member Qualifications

5.3 Training Requirements

5.4 Special Operations Training

5.5 Member Proficiency

Chapter 6 Fire Apparatus, Equipment, and Drivers/Operators

6.1 Fire Department Apparatus

6.2 Drivers/Operators of Fire Department Apparatus

6.3 Riding in Fire Apparatus

6.4 Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Fire Apparatus

6.5 Tools and Equipment

Chapter 7 Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment

7.1 General

7.2 Protective Clothing for Structural Fire Fighting

7.3 Protective Clothing for Proximity Fire-Fighting Operations

7.4 Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations

7.5 Chemical-Protective Clothing for Hazardous Materials Emergency Operations

7.6 Inspection, Maintenance, and Disposal of Chemical-Protective Clothing

7.7 Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting

7.8 Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue Operations

7.9 Protective Clothing and Equipment for Surface Water Operations

7.10 Respiratory Protection Program

7.11 Breathing Air

7.12 Respiratory Protection Equipment

7.13 Fit Testing

7.14 Using Respiratory Protection

7.15 SCBA Cylinders

7.16 Personal Alert Safety System (PASS)

7.17 Life Safety Rope and System Components

7.18 Face and Eye Protection

7.19 Hearing Protection

7.20 New and Existing Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment

Chapter 8 Emergency Operations

8.1 Incident Management

8.2 Communications

8.3 Risk Management During Emergency Operations

8.4 Personnel Accountability During Emergency Operations

8.5 Members Operating at Emergency Incidents

8.6 Hazard Control Zones

8.7 Traffic Incidents

8.8 Rapid Intervention for Rescue of Members

8.9 Rehabilitation During Emergency Operations

8.10 Scenes of Violence, Civil Unrest, or Terrorism

8.11 Post-Incident Analysis

Chapter 9 Facility Safety

9.1 Safety Standards

9.2 Inspections

9.3 Maintenance and Repairs

Chapter 10 Medical and Physical Requirements

10.1 Medical Requirements

10.2 Physical Performance Requirements

10.3 Health and Fitness

10.4 Confidential Health Data Base

10.5 Infection Control

10.6 Fire Department Physician

10.7 Fitness for Duty Evaluations

Chapter 11 Behavioral Health and Wellness Programs

11.1 Behavioral Health Program.

11.2 Wellness Program

Chapter 12 Occupational Exposure to Atypically Stressful Events

12.1 General

Annex A Explanatory Material

Annex B Monitoring Compliance with a Fire Service Occupational Safety and Health Program

Annex C Building Hazard Assessment

Annex D Risk Management Plan Factors

Annex E Hazardous Materials PPE Information

Annex F Sample Facility Inspector Checklists

Annex G Informational References


Tactical Fire Problem – House Fire “in the attic”

This week we have an attic fire in a new construction home. At least one occupant is home at the time of the fire. Take a look.

1.) Black smoke pushing from an eave line and someone greeting you on the front porch, what is your first action?

2.) How long of a hose stretch will you need if you determine an interior attack will be used?

3.) How quickly will this fire spread, based upon the time it will take you to stretch?

4.) Could the presence of the homeowner indicate that he may have been involved in the ignition, or could it indicate that he may have attempt to extinguish causing a delay?

5.) What is the overall strategy for this incident?