Actions and Motives

This one is a fire service lesson for sure but I hope it makes you think of life lessons as well. It is about actions and motives and or intention. We do many things at fires, in the firehouse and in life. Today I am asking the probing question….why?

Lets look at a bunch of examples. You are on social media and you are vehemently expressing your beliefs and theories of the “only way to fight fires”. WHY? Do you want to educate? Do you want to impress someone about your level of education and experience? Is it your intent to demean them and their experience and show your superiority?

These are all different reasons for abusive social media stuff, but what is your motive? Do you think about the why, and do you think about what your perception is to others?

You arrive on the scene of a house fire, it is marginal, everyone is out. You jump off the engine and enter the structure. Did you do that because you were following your training? Did you do that so your crew and officer don’t think you are a coward?’ Do you do it because you think you are smarter than the facts presented and there might be someone in there? Or you just think it is the right thing to do?

There is a bad community climate in your city or town. You start your own personal work slowdown. You arrive on the bell, you don’t do house duties, you barely do truck checks and you are in a consistent foul mood. Why? Because someone else is in charge of your happiness and you are OK with that? Because you think if you don’t do you job and you punish your co-workers you will affect the citizens and make them change their mind? Because you have forgotten that you work in the greatest most noble profession in the world?

See your challenge this week is this….When you do something, silently ask the question, “Why did I do that or why did this just happen?” For real , don’t white wash this look hard and look deeply.

You will feel better, you will perform better, and you will be a better team member, if you just reflect upon your actions, motives, and intentions.